Monday, January 19, 2015

My Alternate Universe

I believe that we can exist in many planes of existence. The real world is stressful and most of the time, imperfect. Sometimes, we all wish to be different or to be someone else. Many of us would want to escape and live the life that we thought is perfect.  We can actually do that, it is called Fiction. that is why movie makers and writers make a lot of money via fiction because it solves the desire to break away from a seemingly problematic life.  In fiction, everything is possible. As in everything.  Unlike in real life where the term everything is possible is becoming a cliche, in fiction, it is the norm. 

For 2015, this blog is all about fiction. This all about exploring the what ifs and what could have beens. I would not be writing so much here unless I want to explore a different possibility. Hopefully, this blog will be about sensational possibilities.  It will be about miracles, prayers, and how long shots can change the world. 

I am just write whatever stories that pop up in mind and hopefully, it can help anyone who has the time to read this in a way nonsensical blog. This is a challenge to show if I can really write the weird things that I sometimes wished to be real. 

Welcome to the fictional world of Carlo Andrew Olano.

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